Beauty in the Ordinary

This is not about being brilliant, or extraordinary, it's not about wanting to be famous, or making headlines, or trying to impress...this about sharing a 'gift' each day with the lift the spirit of people when they read this blog, to show them the beauty in the ordinary.
"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it." Raold Dahl

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Plan B

I've been thinking lately, a lot, about
Plan B.

I think we all should have a

Plan B.

It doesn't mean second best,

it just means there are alternatives.

And those are always good things.

So, if life doesn't seem to be working out as specified in

Plan A.

Divert to Plan B.

Maybe that's where you were supposed to be all along?

After all, isn't variety the spice of life?


  1. I don't think that I have ever had any realistic sort of plan, J - either A or B. As someone said - "How do you make God laugh? Tell him your plans".

  2. I LOVE the idea of a Plan B!!! Even in my post today, I have the possiblity for a Plan B {the circus} & without a Plan B aren't we just limiting ourselves to taking a journey with no forks in the road in which to make a choice? There's a funky little movie called 'Rare Birds' which talks alot about a Plan's super quirky & cute with William Hurt, worth a gander. & because I LOVE your blog & want more friends to find you...a secret tip from me to you. Bring your followers on your sidebar up to right under your "It's Not Over". Most people won't read that far down in a blog to find it & at the top...if they want to stop back by & follow, it's right there.
    Great simple & thought provoking post friend!!

  3. Tom, you are fortunate to get through life without a plan. I think Her Indoors must be very special.

  4. are a friend. I think I have done what you told me. Let me know.
    Yes...Plan B rocks!

  5. you know for me J. there never is a plan B.
    I just keep making revisions of Plan A.

  6. I like your take on things! I also agree with the first comment here!

  7. Of course V. Revise...edit...then it's always Plan A!


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