Beauty in the Ordinary

This is not about being brilliant, or extraordinary, it's not about wanting to be famous, or making headlines, or trying to impress...this about sharing a 'gift' each day with the lift the spirit of people when they read this blog, to show them the beauty in the ordinary.
"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it." Raold Dahl

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Year Philosophy...

If I could sum up how I feel
about dipping my toe into the
New Year...

this is what I would say:

Come to the edge.

We might fall.

Come to the edge.

It’s too high!


And they came,

and he pushed,

and they flew.

Christopher Logue

I love this poem.

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. wonderful poem...and a wonderful painting. Both in combination make it a very, very good post for the New Year. Thank you.

  2. Are you thinking of the Polar Bear Dip jacqueline?

    I think that poem is rings true for a lot of things.

  3. LOL Chania...can only imagine the furor in sleepy NOTL if I turned up in that outfit! (just remembered, I don't have that outfit!!) Funnily enough though, Rudy and I were talking about the Polar Bear Dip here...he's so laid up with a cold right now, don't think that's going to happen.

    John...You should talk Mr. One Testicle!

    It's a beautiful, inspiring poem, isn't it Joe...I just love it!

  4. Having wings and flying through 2011 sounds divine!
    xo J~

  5. Jacqueline- I love this.
    I hope you don't mind that I have signed on as a follower about a million times!

    I love your blog-
    thank you for visiting mine.

    White Spray Paint

  6. If it makes you happy Laura...keep doing it! Thanks for being here!

    I'm still looking for those angel-wings Jessica!

  7. Oh I love this poem too, it's one of my favourites.
    All the best for a happy, healthy, loved filled 2011. Now fly!

  8. What a wonderful thought as we move into the new year Jacqueline, it is just what I needed! Thank you :)
    Jeanne xx

  9. What a lovely poem. Great header also.

  10. Hope you are feeling better John! Happy New Year!


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