Beauty in the Ordinary

This is not about being brilliant, or extraordinary, it's not about wanting to be famous, or making headlines, or trying to impress...this about sharing a 'gift' each day with the lift the spirit of people when they read this blog, to show them the beauty in the ordinary.
"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it." Raold Dahl

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Gray Rainy Day

A brief respite from the heat here today...

it's gray, rainy skies

I could be productive and sort a closet or two...

but I'm feeling lazy today...

So, it's me, the couch, a cup of tea...and

The Griffin and Sabine Trilogy by Nick Bantock

If you have never read these little books, this enchanting, mystical love story,
take advantage of a gray, rainy afternoon
and let your heart and imagination soar as you unfold each letter.
I think you will find it time well spent.

Later, I will put on a pot of vegetable soup, á la Cro,

for a simple, but nourishing supper.

I'm feeling almost suspended in time today.


  1. well I'm glad lazy you, decided to enter WOOT!
    Now about your no reply comment thing...hmmmm? I always want to email you after your comments, but it won't let me.. :(
    enjoy your day whatever you choose to do, and good luck.

  2. Griffin and Sabine! - I have one of them, but never realised there are three.

  3. Walk me through this Suz...I had a look at my settings and can't find anything about refusing replies. don't know how the story ends then? How can you stand it?

  4. Sounds like a good way to spend a (grey) day, J

  5. Sounds like heaven...I'm exhausted! I'm not familiar with Griffin & interesting, I'll have to check them out.
    Hope it was all lovely and perfect...
    xo J~

  6. Glad to see you didn't mention the awful word 'Compost'. We've had a few rainy days here too, so have been doing likewise!

  7. What an excellent post. Never spend a gray, rainy day doing mundane things like cleaning a closet. Go back to bed; sit and read; make soup (ideal food for such a day), write a letter.

  8. It was wonderful and wonder-filled Molly!
    Jessica...have a look at Bantock's artword...I think it will fascinate you.
    I much prefer 'soup á la Cro', Cro...and delicious it was!
    Write a letter? Now there's an idea Rob-bear...something so rarely done these days. And especially poignant after reading Griffin and Sabine!

  9. ...hope the day was cozy warm and restful!
    Love Griffin and Sabine and that last photo !
    Love you Sis.

  10. I'm having the same kind of day, except the sun is out! I hope you've enjoyed your day like I am! :-)


Go on...make my day...

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