Beauty in the Ordinary

This is not about being brilliant, or extraordinary, it's not about wanting to be famous, or making headlines, or trying to impress...this about sharing a 'gift' each day with the lift the spirit of people when they read this blog, to show them the beauty in the ordinary.
"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it." Raold Dahl

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Holy Paint Brushes Batman!

Dried green paintImage via Wikipedia

I think my sister is a paint-a-holic.

She say's she hates painting, but she seems to be doing it all the time.

If it stands still, she paints it!

I called her this morning...early...and she was painting her bathroom,
while talking to me on the phone,
and watching that her puppy Molly and her daughter's dog Murray
didn't escape from her garden.

OMG she's a multi-tasking paint-a-holic!
That has to be worse!

Does anyone have a cure for this poor girl?

Baby playing with yellow paint. Work by Dutch ...Image via Wikipedia
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  1. How does Victoria manage to paint while she's on the phone J? I like painting but it has to be a one job at a time.

  2. She's doing the right thing; we need a more colourful world. For our nerves.

  3. Molly...I have no idea...I live in awe of this woman.
    Yes Mise...I totally long as she's the one painting!

  4. Yes, I sister is right...I'm a paint-a-holic...and Molly, talking on the phone and painting at the same time is in one hand...paint brush in the other!
    And Mise thanks for the compliment...but unfortunately my world is mostly white.. but I did go crazy in the bathroom this time...battleship grey!!!
    Looks great with white!!

  5. Sounds like the old, British Army condition - "If it moves, shoot it. If it doesn't move, paint it white".


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