Beauty in the Ordinary

This is not about being brilliant, or extraordinary, it's not about wanting to be famous, or making headlines, or trying to impress...this about sharing a 'gift' each day with the lift the spirit of people when they read this blog, to show them the beauty in the ordinary.
"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it." Raold Dahl

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Serious Questions

I've been asking myself some fairly serious questions just lately.

Things like:

"How much is enough?"

"How much is too much?"

But then I realized they were the wrong questions.

This questioning just invokes struggle.

They raise a bar, where one doesn't need to exist.

We all need to stop struggling...

it's killing us, for God's sake.


  1. 'Counting Blessing' is often far more satisfying.

  2. You are right Cro...and sometimes those blessings come in curious packages.

  3. What is that expression, "He who dies with the most toys, wins". Too many of us buy into this, and then find out how empty it all is. I believe that he who gives the most of himself, is a happy person.

    1. Sock''s not so much the what as the how we deal with it that I'm pondering. Some people are just made for the challenge, others not. Societal expectations can often drive one for too long in the wrong direction.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Nancy...all white light shone in my direction right now is most gratefully received.

  5. Sometimes blessings don't look like blessings until you look back on them. Hope your hubby is on the mend again now. Take care. Love Molly xx

    1. I'm looking for the silver lining here Molly...we aren't out of the woods quite yet.

    2. You're in my thoughts and prayers J. My hubs has a terminal illness and yet the last few months have brought us so much closer together. I can't even think - what will we do next week? Now is precious.

  6. indeed Molly...indeed. Love and prayers right back at you!

  7. Amen!!! Wishing you serenity and that you make the choice that is right for YOU xx

  8. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    Courage to change the things I can,
    And wisdom to know the difference.

    1. It's all about handing it over to God, and just going along for the ride! i see it anyway JohnD.

  9. have you had ANY downtime recently Jac?
    a walk alone? a long, long bath?

    1. Interesting you should ask John! But what I think I need is an escape from my own head!

  10. Strange you should raise this question right now. During tax time. When we analyze spending patterns from the last year.

    We have always been a family which focused on "enough." In retirement, we still are focused on that. Not that we feel deprived. We're making about average income, and thoroughly enjoying life.

    It's simply a choice to live within our means, not owe any money (except on mortgaged homes — though our debts are long since paid off). That way we have have money for our children when they need it. We have money to help friends, if they need it, and people overseas, who do need it. We have money for church and community agencies.

    "Enough" is enough. Really.

    Changing topics.

    There is a man in your life, to whom I understand you are related my marriage. And who tends to overdo things. Who has also had a medical misadventure. I do hope he is doing much better, but I have some fears (based on the post-post commentary) that he is not. Blessings and Bear hugs to the two of you.

    1. You are certainly a clear-headed bear...I appreciate you thought, words and love.
      I am thinking this whole thing called Dr. Phil is wont to say..."and how is what you are doing working for you?". Clearly what we are doing isn't working. Time for a re-jig. It doesn't have to be big ( it might be), it just has to be sincere.


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