Beauty in the Ordinary

This is not about being brilliant, or extraordinary, it's not about wanting to be famous, or making headlines, or trying to impress...this about sharing a 'gift' each day with the lift the spirit of people when they read this blog, to show them the beauty in the ordinary.
"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it." Raold Dahl

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Clever Cro at Magnon's Meanderings
has just introduced me to the beautiful Buddhist practice of

Tonglen is a Tibetan word which means sending and taking. 
With the practice of Tonglen, we work directly with our habitual tendency to avoid suffering and attach ourselves to pleasure. 

Using this powerful and highly effective practice, we learn to embrace our life experiences with more openness, compassion, inclusiveness, and understanding, rather than denial, aversion, and resistance. When we encounter fear, pain, hurt, anger, jealousy, loneliness, or suffering, be it our own or others, we breathe in with the desire to completely embrace this experience; to feel it, accept it, and own it, free of any resistance. 

Touching and understanding suffering is the first step toward true transformation. Rather than avoiding suffering, we develop a more tolerant and compassionate relationship with it. We learn to meet and embrace reality—naked, open, and fearless. When we touch and embrace suffering, we can finally understand what causes it. When we understand the cause of suffering, we can eliminate it and be liberated.

With this radical shift of awareness, this new way of embracing our life experience, our heart becomes more tender, open, sensitive, and aware. 
This is true intimacy with life. 
This is the cultivation of bodhicitta—the awakened heart of compassion and wisdom.

Breathing in, we allow ourselves to feel the inevitable suffering that occurs in this life. Our heart's natural response to this suffering, while breathing out, is compassion. We breathe in the pain and suffering of this world like a dark cloud, letting it pass through our hearts. Rather than bracing ourselves against this pain and suffering, we can let it strengthen our sense of belonging and interdependence within the larger web of being. 

When we know in our hearts that we are connected to the insects, animals, trees, the earth, and every living being, we do not cause harm or suffering to any of these parts of ourselves. Rather, we become sensitive and attuned to the cries of the world, and we learn to respond with wisdom and deep compassion. We develop the wish to free all beings from their suffering and its causes; we desire, more than anything, to bring them happiness and peace. Indeed, the practice of Tonglen is an excellent way for us to train our heart and mind so we too can develop universal compassion and help alleviate the suffering of all living beings.

In Tonglen practice, through our compassion, we take on (embrace without resistance) the various sufferings of all beings. In return, we give them our loving-kindness, happiness, peace of mind, well-being, healing, and fulfillment.

1) Sit quietly, calm the mind, and center yourself. Reflect on the immense suffering that all beings everywhere experience. Allow their suffering to open your heart and awaken your compassion. You may also choose to invoke the presence of all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and enlightened beings, so that through their inspiration and blessing, compassion may be born in your heart. In this way, you are resting in bodhicitta—the enlightened nature of the mind. Bodhicitta, is an inexhaustible source of purity, generosity, and compassion.

2) Imagine in front of you, as clearly as possible, someone you care for who is suffering. Although this may be more challenging, you may also imagine someone you feel indifferent toward, someone you consider to be an enemy, or those who have hurt you or others. Open yourself to this person's suffering. Allow yourself to feel connected with him or her, aware of their difficulties, pain, and distress. Then, as you feel your heart opening in compassion toward the person, imagine that all of his or her suffering comes out and gathers itself into a mass of hot, black, grimy smoke.

3) Now, visualize breathing in this mass of black smoke, seeing it dissolve into the very core of your ego at your heart center. There in your heart, it completely destroys all traces of fear and selfishness (self-cherishing) and purifies all of your negative karma.

4) Imagine, now that your fear, self-centeredness and negative karma has been completely destroyed, your enlightened heart is fully revealed. As you breathe out, imagine you are sending out the radiance of loving-kindness, compassion, peace, happiness, and well-being to this person. See this brilliant radiance purifying all of their negative karma. Send out any feelings that encourage healing, relaxation, and openness.

5) Continue this "giving and receiving" with each breath for as long as you wish. At the end of your practice, generate a firm inner conviction that this person has been freed of suffering and negative karma and is filled with peace, happiness and well-being. 

Traditionally, we begin by doing Tonglen for someone we care about. However, we can use this practice at any time, either for ourselves or others.

Tonglen can be done either as a formal meditation practice or right on the spot at any time. For example, if we encounter someone in pain, we can begin to breathe in their pain and send out some relief. At any time, when we encounter our own emotional discomfort or suffering, or that of others, we open our heart and fully embrace what we are encountering on our in-breath. Breathing out, we offer the heartfelt radiance of acceptance, loving-kindness, and compassion. 

This is a practice and a way of life.

Practicing Tonglen on one friend in pain helps us begin the process of gradually widening the circle of our compassion. From there, we can learn to take on the suffering and purify the karma of all beings; giving others our happiness, well-being, joy, and peace of mind. Tonglen practice can extend indefinitely and gradually.  Over time, our compassion will expand. We will find that we have a greater ability to be loving and present for ourselves and for others in even the most difficult situations.

This is the wonderful goal of Tonglen practice, the path of the compassionate Bodhisattva.


  1. When life is troubling and the pain in my heart seems overwhelming, I go to my books by the Dalai Lama to find my strength. While not religious, I find the teachings of Buddhism and their path to inner peace a great help in coping with the trials we all bare.

    I hope everything went well yesterday. Good thought are traveling your way.

  2. I can understand why you find refuge in these teachings Sock'em...they are always positive and full of hope.
    Thank you for asking, yes, all went well Day 1 and 2 - 43 to go...

  3. OH, my goodness. A long haul! I do hope the cure isn't worse than the disease.

    Blessings and Bear hugs!

    1. ...and that's the delicate balance Rob-Bear...

  4. I have just caught up on your last post and this one,you are all in my thoughts and prayers,it is a long road but faith and strength and belief will get you there.Many blessings Carole.

  5. Thanks Carole...As soon as we got the diagnosis, I handed this one over to God - way too big for me. Rudy is in good hands with his team of doctors, and at the very best facility in Toronto...the rest is not our job.

  6. I'm working on stage 5.

    Maybe when street-corner, gang-member, dope-dealing, do nothing hooligans get sent to prison, they too should be taught the power of Tonglen. They have probably never experienced the power of giving and receiving, or even had anyone appreciate their (hidden and underused) kindness. That feeling of 'warmth' is healing in its own right.

  7. I would elect you head of prison reform in a heartbeat Cro. What a fabulous idea!
    This is such an amazingly life-changing practice...but at the centre of it, a universal, non-denominational religious philosophy.
    Love thy neighbour as thyself.
    Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
    Turn the other cheek.
    ...need I go on?


Go on...make my day...

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