Beauty in the Ordinary

This is not about being brilliant, or extraordinary, it's not about wanting to be famous, or making headlines, or trying to impress...this about sharing a 'gift' each day with the lift the spirit of people when they read this blog, to show them the beauty in the ordinary.
"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it." Raold Dahl

Friday, April 5, 2013

Our Betters

"we went to the theatre yesterday, a matinee performance of Our Betters by W. Somerset Maugham.  It's been a while since I have seen a live performance, even though we live in Niagara-on-the-Lake, home to The Shaw Festival each year.  The theatre, The Royal George, is old-school, small, decorous, large seats, wonderful.  The performance was polished and entertaining.  Sets and costume spectacular.  I knew the story, it's been around for quite some time, mostly about vacuous society both British and American.  About how badly people can behave when they have too much money, too much time and no reason-to-be.  Although written almost one hundred years ago, one could have replaced "Society" with "Celebrity" and it would have been entirely present-day.  Astonishing how little we change.
I'm very happy Spring is finally dipping her toe in the water here today."JP


  1. Every time I go to the theater, I wonder why I don't go more often. Glad you had a good experience.

    1. ...and especially when it's right on our front door Sock'em...although I will say, the price of the tickets can be a little prohibitive!

  2. I love W.Somerset Maugham, and I'm sure would have loved the play...isn't wonderful when we find something magical in our own neighbourhood!
    Well after basking in the glorious sun and warmth of the past Easter weekend we're now back to rain!!! Arggggggh!

    1. No doubt Sis. Not something I want to do every week, but we both thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.
      Weather here today is back to chilly too. Spring sure is taking her time showing up this year!

  3. One of my favourite things to do Jacqueline...interesting what you say here about replacing society with celebrity as you say, nothing much changes ;-)
    Enjoy the Spring for us here in London yet!

    1. It was interesting to reminisce with Rudy during intermission about our last live performance. Death And The Maiden, off broadway, James Caan, Richard Dryfus and Merly Streep. Memorable!

  4. Maugham rarely gets things wrong. Being out in the wilds of France, I rather miss the theatre.

    1. I rather feel you have the drama of the countryside playing out daily Cro! Maugham certainly didn't pull any punches in his comments on Society. I can only imagine the uproar it would have caused on both sides of the 'pond' 100 years ago!

  5. ....and here as well. Seeing my first Robin of the season actually lifted my heart & spirits. Maugham one of my favorites, but unfortunately far and few now.

    1. I agree Maryanne...Maugham's plays aren't produced very often anymore - and he certainly had something to say.
      And speaking of Spring - hubby left my hydrangea out last night (should have been sheltered in the garage) and it's looking decidedly sorry for itself today - sigh!

  6. Going to the theatre is always a special occasion for me, I am absorbed each time. I can't help thinking you are so right about substituting society with celebrity, 'same old same old'.


    1. I just finished reading your beautiful tribute to your MIL Jane...what an amazing woman she must have been. I especially love the Rumi poem you quoted too - one of my favourites!

  7. Sounds delightful. Saw a robin and a morning dove today in downtown Toronto, finally spring!

    I love the picture of the swallow, don't see as many of them around any more.

    1. I always think when I see a small bird with a divided tail that it must be a swallow - so much for my ornithological knowledge! Hoping Spring has decided to stay. If you see a pretty young thing on her bicycle in city today, it's my daughter - she had decided it IS spring!

  8. Though most people would like more money and more time, seems there can be a dark side. Not a problem for you or me because we'll remember your blog, even when we're rich.


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